The 10 largest steel producing countries

26 septembre 2019

Steel is a basic product in our daily lives and is essential for economic growth. Like to know more about it and find out who uses it and which country produces the most steel in the world?

Here is a list of the 10 biggest steel-producing countries in 2017:

  1. China: 831,728,000 tonnes
  2. Japan: 104,661,000 tonnes
  3. India: 101,455,000 tonnes
  4. United States: 81,612,000 tonnes
  5. Russia: 71,491,000 tonnes
  6. South Korea: 71,030,000 tonnes
  7. Germany: 43,297,000 tonnes
  8. Turkey: 37,524,000 tonnes
  9. Brazil: 34,365,000 tonnes
  10. Italy: 24,068,000 tonnes

As you can see, China very much dominates the world’s steel production. These numbers and the following graphs are from Worldsteel.

Steel production worldwide in 2017 (vs. 2007)

In 2014, we were told that China doubled its production in the space of 10 years, going from about 25% to 50% of total world production. With the statistics from 2017, we can see China’s growing importance in the production of steel and that it is the leader!

Worldsteel’s infographics also shows the growing evolution of crude steel production since 1950:


And its biggest consumers:

Steel consumers in 2017

What do you think they do with all this steel? We’ve got some idea of what they do and suggest you check out the possible uses for steel 😉

See you soon Steelsters!




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